You can update a vendor by clicking on the Edit link in the Vendor Search Results
Edit me

Updating Vendors

After finding the vendor you want to update click on the Edit link. This will take you to an Vendor update page displayed below.

Click on image to enlarge then the back button to return


Updating a Happy Vendor allows you to modify fields for the vendor such as mailing address and contact information for example. Please make sure changes to the Vendor don’t have an impact on prior purchases and sales orders. Once a Purchase Order has been created the Vendor Name should not be changed.

Required Fields

Field Required? Description
Vendor Name Required Organization Name
First Name Required First Name of Vendor contact
Last Name Required Last Name of Vendor contact
Title Required Title of Contact
Business Phone Required Phone number of Vendor contact
Mailing Street Required Mailing street of address
Mailing City Required Mailing city of address
Mailing State Required Mailing state of address
Mailing Zip Code Required Mailing zip code of address


Click Update Happy vendor when your changes are complete.

Tags: vendors