You can add a customer by clicking on New Customer at the bottom of the Customer Search Results
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Adding Customers

Before adding a Customer you should search for an existing Customer to make sure it does not already exist in HIIQ. If your search does not return any customer records you will see New Customer at the bottom of the Search results. Click on this link to add a customer

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Creating a Happy Customer allows you to create a sales quote for the Customer. Currently there is no separation of customers between States or profit centers. Once you add a Customer the customer receives a unique customer number within HIIQ. Please try not to duplicate customers and perform a search before adding a customer.

Required Fields

Field Required? Description
Customer Name Required Organization Name
First Name Required First Name of initial Customer contact
Last Name Required Last Name of initial Customer contact
Title Required Title of Contact
Business Phone Required Phone number of Customer contact
Mailing Street Required Mailing street of address
Mailing City Required Mailing city of address
Mailing State Required Mailing state of address
Mailing Zip Code Required Mailing zip code of address

Submit and Cancel

When you have completed filling all the input fields click the Create Happy customer button. If there are errors in the form you will be notified at the top of the screen. Fields that contain errors will have a red message next to the field that needs to corrected. After you have corrected the input errors click the Create Happy customer again.

If you want to cancel Creating the customer click Cancel and it will return you to the Happy Customer search page.

Tags: customers