Currently Happy does not stock any inventory. So all the material you source on your quote will be bought from one of our preferred vendors. Which is why we have an input field on the quote line item called buyout cost. If Happy starts stocking inventory we would implement weighted average costing (or something similar) for our stocked material.
The cost we pay for material is an important competitive advantage and should not be shared with Customers or competition. Please protect Happy’s proprietary information.
When adding or updating a quote line item there is a vendor select box. The selection defaults to Unassigned. Select the Vendor from where the material was sourced. Then enter the Buyout unit cost which is what Happy will pay the vendor. After entering the unit price and buyout unit price HIIQ will display a Margin for the line item.
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When you find a quote you will see a link to the right that says Purchase orders. Additionally, after you save a quote there is a link, View Purchase Orders, click on either link to see Vendor related PO’s. These PO’s are generated from the quote line items. If there is information you need changed on the PO you need to change it on the quote.
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On the quote header there is an input field to add PO Notes which will print on the Purchase Order. These notes are not specific to a single Vendor and will print on every P.O.. The Purchase Order consists of two numbers seperated by a dash. In the below example the PO number is 2-1062. The number 2 before the dash is the Vendor number and the number 1062 after the dash is the quote number.
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